Win Ratio vs Leopards

The team is based in Potchefstroom. We don't play them often as they don't regularly play in the Currie Cup. We have played them 27 times, won 26, lost 1, drew 0, for a win ratio of 96.29%

Our detailed record against the Leopards since 1991:

Date Venue Competition Result Points For Points Against Tries For Tries Against
08/31/1991PotchPercy FramesWin32146?
08/19/1992PotchPercy FramesLose17372?
8/7/1993PotchCross LeagueWin48196?
5/13/1994PotchLion CupWin55188?
8/9/1994PotchCross LeagueWin49196?
6/8/1996Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin9812??
7/27/1996PotchCurrie CupWin5328??
8/2/1997Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin6034??
3/6/1998PotchVodacom CupWin382162
4/24/1998RAUVodacom CupWin666100
7/10/1998PotchCurrie CupWin341061
3/19/1999OrkneyVodacom CupWin262031
5/1/1999RAUVodacom CupWin312342
7/17/1999Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin562082
4/1/2000Ellis ParkVodacom CupWin312533
8/3/2002PotchCurrie CupWin312432
8/26/2005PotchCurrie CupWin372153
9/16/2005Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin442752
7/25/2009PhokengCurrie CupWin401951
9/11/2009Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin311351
7/9/2010PhokengCurrie CupWin431352
8/27/2010Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin452273
7/30/2011Ellis ParkCurrie CupWin533685
9/16/2011PotchCurrie CupWin432362
Summary of the results of the Lions from 1995 to 2020 Read More
Detail of the results of the Lions from 1995 to 2020 Read More
Win ratio of the Lions against the other provincial teams in South Africa Read More

“Forwards win games, backs decide by how much.”